Sunday, August 28, 2005

going to look at a car!

Good afternoon! Well as Zoe mentioned the other day, weve now got £1000 towards our new car. Gods been so good to us, and i know he's not finished yet! Weve seen one in the local paper that looks really good from the sound of it, its a Vauxhall Vectra Estate and its got all the features we're after. Anyway we'll let you know how it goes.

Im off to Luv Esther tech rehersals in Rochdale tomorrow night. Its going to be a long week of setting up the set, truss and all the gear and then taking it down again! So by the end of the week we'll be so quick at doing it, the tour will be a breeze!

We went to the dedication of a little friend of ours called Charlie Reynolds today, A really beautiful day, We prayed over Charlie and his parents and then had a well earned BBQ! It was really good. Made me think about us having a baby even more. Im so excited about being a dad, i really cant wait. Not long to go now as well, when i get bck from rehersals, weve got a week off, so its all systems go in getting the nursery up and running. Weve already made a start, stripping the nasty woodchip wallpaper off, just need to steam off the lining paper that was left and then put all the new stuff up! Fun fun Fun! Well thats all from me, off to see the car in a bit, so better get ready.

Bye! Tim xx

Monday, August 15, 2005

still vrooooming!

Just a quick update on the car, we recieved another £200 towards it yesterday! praise God, he really is being so great to us! The old car is leaving us tomorrow, being picked up and sent off to the breakers yard.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Vroom Vroooomm!

Well after two years of driving round the country our car has finally given up on life! its been such a blessing to us, and has done really well. Unfortunatly the cost of repairing it is more than the cars worth, and ideally we really need a bigger car anyway, what with the baby coming along. So weve set our prayer target, and have been looking around to see whats out there. After a lot of prayer and discusing we really think God is telling us to be specific about it, and let him know what kind of car we want, so thats what weve done! Already weve been given £500 towards it which is amazing! God is so good, and i cant wait to update this, with how he's provided totally for us! so stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A new week!

Hi guys! Well another new week, were both reasonably busy with this and that, Zoe's in the midst of Luv Esther project managment meetings, discussing tour venues, practicalities etc.. quite stressful as you can imagine as there is so much work to put in in order to make a huge tour like this actually happen, so if you could pray that she would have peace and wisdom in those meetings, that would be great! And im working on a whole load of video production for a tour weve got going out in November, featuring 'steve', Andy hunter, and a band called 'Dweeb'. The tour is going to be doing 12 dates round the UK, and it's heart is really to bring God into those place through worship! its going to be really good, ive heard some of the tracks that 'steve' are going to be doing and they're great, totally soaked in God. So its my job to make some visuals that go along with those song to match! Its going to be hard work as i only have 'till the end of August to do about 12 songs, as then im off to Technical rehersals for Luv Esther up north somewhere, Near bradford possibly? Im not sure. So if you can pray that i get some inspiration! that would be great.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Pics from Croatia!

Just got round to scanning in some of the photos from our holiday in Croatia! We had a really great time, it's such a beautiful country. top one is Me on a day trip to Lake Bled in Slovenia, middle one is The port of Rovinj, where we took the 20 minute boat trip from every day to get to the island where our hotel was, and below is beautiful Zoe, on Red Island, where our hotel was.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

20 Weeks Scans!!

and another one - is this the things to come? upside down and going crazy!

Heres the 20 week scan of the little one! arrrr isnt he / she cute! Now we dont know wether its a boy or a girl yet, so ive taken to picking either one or the other when im talking about it, so if i say 'he's been kicking a lot recently' then it doesnt mean it definatly a boy!!! We decided not to find out untill its born - more of a surprise!! Although that is making picking the colours for the nursery fun! (Heads on the right, foot on the left, big belly - like his dad - in the middle!!)