Friday, April 20, 2007

London & Marwell Zoo!

hey hey, sorry fo the lack of news recently! Not got long to type anything but here are some new pics!!!

Last weekend we went to London for Nannys birthday- and we went on the London eye, then we found a fast car in Hamleys!!

Then on Tuesday we went to Marwell Zoo, Joe loved all the animals, completly knackered him out though!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Northern Ireland here I come!

Im off to Northern Ireland tonight, via the joy of easyjet. Luv Esther have three shows over there one Thursday night, one saturday night, and one sunday night. The last two are going to be really tough as we normally clear a venue by about 1am if its a good night, and then in at the next venue at 8am the next moreing to do it all again! So if you could pray that the crew would have energy, strength and a good team bonding, that would be greatly appreciated! If your lucky we may post an update on the crew blog while were over there, but the chances are not very high! But check out just incase!

Joe's First Single!

Some breaking news, Joe's first single 'Bye bye Ba ba' is soon to be released, i know you've all been waiting for it, here's a sneek peak of him recording at the Early Learning Studios.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


well according to the myheritage site i look more like a some holywood actress than anyone else!! Im more inclined to agree with there thoughts that i look like George Cloony though, and most definatly Clint Eastwood!!! ha ha ha classic! And zoe's gets even better!! From Renee Zellweger to Halle Berry to Prince William!!! lol! check it -

Monday, January 29, 2007

Spain - New Year 2007

Well we had an amazing opportunity to go to Spain with our friends Ray & Nancy for new year. It was a really early flight out from Bristol on the 27th December, having to get up at 3.30AM!! We thought Joe would fall back asleep in the car, but alas no, he dozed for a bit, and then fully woke up at the airport! This was Joe's first ever plane journey, so we were a bit nervous, but it all went really well. A mixture of sleeping, Balamory on the laptop and food got us through the 2 and a bit hour flight! No crying or anything! Result! We arrived in Spain and picked up the hire... bus! And i drove to the hotel which was about 45 minutes away. Ive never driven on the other side of the road before, and it was an interesting experience, fortunately i had Nancy sitting next to me, pointing out things on the way (!) We'd visited R&N in the summer at the same resort for a few days, so knew it was a great place, and Joe loved it as well. The weather was brilliant, it seemed so strange to be on the beach in shorts on Jan 1st!! Some of the days were so warm that people were out by the pool sunbathing! very surreal. Joe loved it though, his favourite pass time had to be fountain hunting! The complex had loads of fountains around it, and Joe loved going on walks to find them, when he spotted one he would point and start running over to it going 'ooooooooooooo' !!! so sweet! We had some great evenings out as well, Spanish restaurants are great! and day trips to various places. We went swimming pretty much every day, with Joe now ducking under the water and coming up smiling! And before we knew it, the time was nearly up and we had to come home. The flight back wasn't so early and once again Joseph was a star. Landed in Bristol and ooooooooooooooooooooo it was cold!! such a shock stepping through the door of the plane! We had a great time in Spain with Ray, Nancy & Aidan, we enjoyed every minute of it! It was a shame to come home so soon, but at the same time, really exciting. We all feel that 2007 is going to be a great year in so many ways. I'm so excited about what God's going to do in our lives and NGM!

Tim & Joe on the beach

Sand gets everywhere - Theres only one way to take it off!

The view from our balcony

Joe exploring the beach at sunset

Joe in the park next to the hotel

Mummy & Joe Fountain Hunting!

Mummy & Joe - More Fountain Hunting!