Thursday, December 15, 2005

sore... so so sore!

Well good morning! I sit here today, today being the begininning of the forth day with my medical ailment. "Whats the matter Tim" i hear you say? "You never told us anything, are you really ill? are you dying?" Well, yes! it feels like it! I have the worst sore throat ever known to mankind. "Is that all?!" youre saying now arnt you, well yeah, thats all but this isnt just any sore throat. Let me take you on an imaginary journey. Imagine The biggest heard of elephants youve ever seen in the dryest, dustiest part of the world you ever seen, imagine them all stampeding at full force away from a raging forest fire thats literally right behind them. Got that in your mind. Well thats what it feels like every time i swallow! All day all night, And ive tried everything. Gargling salt water, drinking pickle juice (found that one on the internet) paracetamol, neurofen, lemsips, dequacane, lossenges. Im now on antibiotics from the doctor although in his words, " well it might help, but it might not do anything" oh joy. Anyway, the reason for me writing this is, i want some sympathy! and also to see if there are any other suggestions out there? What should i do folks? Answer in the comments box at the end of this post.

Last night sore, sorry saw, the christmas mulled wine and nibbles gathering of our breakfast club (breakfast club = group of guys/girls who meet together every tweo weeks at tim and zoes, to have breakfats and chat about what God's been doing in their lives, whats inspiring them at the moment etc..) A fun filled night with me making mulled wine for the first time ever and zoe laying on a super spread of nibbles and mince pies!

It also saw baby Joseph start to trust some of our friends a whole lot more, when he decided he was comfortable enough to share his dinner with Laura! we did warn her she was in projectile range, but she just laughed it off! {start-evil-heckle}ha ha ha, foolish girl!{end-evil-heckle}

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