Monday, January 16, 2006

Glimpse's of Heaven

Last week we were visited by a guy called Ian Andrews and his wife. He came to lead through the NGM January conference, he's seen so many things happen in his life, and God has worked so much through him to see loads and loads of people healed. Anyway, one of the evenings we were encouraged to sit back, close our eyes, and let God show us a glimpse of Heaven. Now im sure this was an excuse to let our imaginations run wild, but God created our imaginations, and I know He loves us, so I was really interested to see what He would say to me. So here is what I saw...

As i closed my eyes, I was in a huge cobled square, i couldnt see the edge of it, it was so big. In the middle of the square was an old well, and next to it was standing Jesus. He had a big smile on His face, more so he was happy, laughing, like a good friend. I walked over to Him and he started to wind up the pail from deep in the well. When it got to the top it was overflowing with a thick gold liquid. He turned and looked at me with a 'knowing' smile and took a goblet and dived it into the bucket filling the goblet up letting the liquid splash over the edge. He handed it to me, and encouraged me to drink, and to drink well. When i did i could feel the liquid spreading throughout me, making me feel so good, so connected with God, So happy about everything. I looked up at Jesus and expected Him to move on to speak to someone else. But He didnt, he stayed. He wanted to be with me. thats what hit me the most about all this. He wasnt in a hurry to go off and speak to toher people, to go and do something else. He wanted to be with me, all of I know its a cliche, i know youve probably heard it all before, "Jesus wants to be my friend and never leave me" but its so true. And He showed me that even more on that night. It reminded me of when Joseph was born actually. When we went into the hospital on the sunday we were put on a ward, untill it was time to go up to delivery suite. We were there for two and a half days, but the it felt really difficult mainly because it was so hard to get hold of anyone to come over and help us. the midwife would come and check every now and again, make sure Zoe was comfortabe, no issues, help if we needed it, but would then dissapear. If there wasa problem, I had to run round half the hospital trying to find the right midwife, who even when i did find her, would take another ten minutes to get round to you. The difference came when we went onto delivery suite. Suddenly withour us asking the was a midwife there for us all of the time sat next to us, constantly checking Zoe was ok, never leaving the room, it was such a relief and so good to know that we were being card for and looked after. When God showed me the well, and Jesus there, that was the instant feeling I got, i remembered the hospital, and Nina the midwife. And i know God is like that, He wont ever leave me, He is there for me all the time, when im happy or sad, when im pee'd off and angry with him, whenever, i know he's always there, always wanting my attention, always wanting to help me in any situation that im in. And that is such a cool feeling, to really know that your loved, that your cared for.

There endeth my little speil for the day!

Have a good one!

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