Sunday, May 21, 2006

hey hey!!

Well once again were making another excuse for not posting anything for a long time, we're really sorry! Things have been quite hectic over the last month, and still are really, but we thought we'd try and update you quickly! Joseph is doing really well, he's growing all the time, sitting up really well, and dribbling everywhere! Those little teeth are very close to popping through, and he's certainly telling us about it! We've just come back from swimming at the local leisure centre, which he really enjoys, we try and go as often as we can. Today he went 'under' for the first time (deliberatly!) and well he wasn't too keen, but he definatly loves splashing around in the pool! I'm still out on tour with Luv Esther, although there haven't been too many gigs recently, but its going really well, and when im not out I'm in the office working on various videos and dvds for ngm and Inspire. Zoe has been working really hard in the Luv Esther project managment team and her main role as directors assistant. She really enjoys it, even though it can be very challenging some times! Anyway, here are a few pictures of us, and a recent trip down to Winchester to see Nanny and Grandad! Enjoy!

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