Monday, November 28, 2005

totally sick...

Im slowly learning not to wear anything you want to wear for the rest of the day, whilst feeding a baby.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Joseph finally meets his other uncle and aunt and cousins!

Well weve just spent the day with Austin and Claire, Ellie, Ethan and William. They were all really excited to see Joseph and it was great to have them all come visit. Check the pics

A night of some sleep!

Well, Joseph finally decided his moses basket was a good place to sleep last night! He slept in it for 6 hours between feeds which is fantastic! He is also starting to settle in it during the day. Please pray this continues on.

Today his other aunt and uncle and cousins are coming to visit which is exciting. I'm sure we will be posting pictures of it all on the blog later. Must go as Joseph is hungry!

Zoe x

Friday, November 25, 2005

The day of things breaking...

well today has been a bizarre day. To start our washing machine that was fixed yesterday by the washing machine guy, broke again. Next we decided to go out for a bit and the 'electronics in you car are about to do something out of your control' button lit up and wouldnt disapear, thanfully it did after a few miles, but the cars going in for a check soon because of it. And then we arrive home, put on the lights, zoe goes upstairs with Jospeh and suddenly all the downstairs lights go off??!! Upstairs is fine, well thats no big problem i hear you say, its just the downstairs lights fuse has tripped, well thats what it thought, but it turns out that our house only has one 5 amp fuse for all of the lights. You cant switch between upstairs and downstairs. Anyway after calling out a good friend who knows a lot more about these things, they started working again, But he didnt know why, and found the whole thing totally baffeling as well. I think we need to call in an electrition at some point to take a ook at our wiring. And then after all that Joseph decided that he wanted to see his dinner again. and again. and again. infact not much of it stayed down, and were runnig very low on body suits!! Well there you guys, ive ranted enough, hope everyone else is well and had a good day!!


Thursday, November 24, 2005

food and bugs!

Today Jospeh made a new friend in lottie the multi coloured, mulit textured, multi sounding err.... bug! We also had a great tea cooked by Helen, and she did a great job of looking after the little one while we gobbled up her super food!

24 November

Today we had a visit from Joseph's uncle Matthew and Aunty Karen (Tim's brother & wife). Attached is a photo of them with Joseph. Yesterday we went out for our first walk in the pushchair, Joseph slept most of the way and you can see from the photo below he was wrapped up nice and warm. He also slept in his Moses basket for half an hour today which is great. We are loving having Joseph - he is such a beautiful baby and despite the lack of sleep, we are loving being parents.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Today, yesterday and the one before...

Well things are slowley starting to settle down, Joseph is currently, as i type this sleeping in his moses basket (praise God!) Since we arrived home last week he would only go to sleep resting on one of us, this afternoon however we thought we'd try at every opertunity to get him to sleep in his basket. Lots of top tips have been applied from putting coiled up towels round the bottom of the basket, to poping a warm hot water bottle in the basket jsut beofre he goes in. We tried it all and hasnt seemed to work untill this afternoon and he's now been down for about an hour!! yey!! He had his first outing yesterday, a glorious trip to mothercare, and then today we pushed him and the buggy into thornbury, i was a bit nervious, kept checking him every 30 secs to see if he was too hot or too cold! i guess you get used it. He's taken to thinking my arm is a boob and trying to suck on it at every oppertunity! joy! We had some more visitors as well - and some super meals!! thankyou everyone who's cooked for us.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Joseph meets the family & has a bath!

Well this weekend was the first time Jospeh got to meet his Nanny and Grandad on both sides, as well as Great Grandma Waters! Other memorable moments include, his first bath, another screaming occasion! and falling asleep on daddy all night as he decided that he didnt want to go to sleep in his moses basket (apparently that wasnt good enough for him!) and daddy has much more comfy! No sleep for daddy that night! Anyway, here are smoe more pics of the occasions!

Friday, November 18, 2005

the boys back home!

hey hey, well life is slowly returning to normality, but with the extra, bonus addition of the little boy! We came back from the hospital today, and have had our first afternoon together as a family in the house. Its really good to have Zoe and Joseph back as to be honest, its been a bit lonely round here without them! Theres been so many new things that were experiencing, but they're all so good, even changing nappies! Although im sure that just a novalty and will change very soon! Anyway, again im afraid this is just a quick update, i will get round to putting the hospital story up here, but for now, heres some more pictues for you to coo over!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!

heres a very quick post before i go to sleepsville!!

Its a boy! Joseph Alexander Wickham 8lb 9oz, he's very long! and very cute! Was born at 3.55am Wednesday 16th 2005

Mum and baby doing well!

Friday, November 11, 2005


Well Here we are, I never thought we'd see B-day+10. Its looking ever more like we may be phoning the hospital for our 'ticket at 8.30am on Sunday. There's still time though so you never know. That is a bizarre concept though, phoning in the morning to get your 'slot' as to when to come in. Its a bit like queuing for the cheese counter at tesco, although a bit more messy and painful id imagine!

Thanks for all your comments! Mum, You're right, My spelling has not changed, and it probably never will, its the way I am, and what I lack in speeling (!) I make up for in.... ummm... well I'll think of something, I'll let you know!

Claire/Austin, thanks for the suggestions! We'll certainly have a think about them, actually, bizarrely yesterday Zoe and myself were chatting about names and I suggested Ronaldo, but we both decided that actually that would make a better 'Dog' name than baby name!!!! So there you go when we get our Dog (that'll be a while!) Ronaldo it is!

Ellis - Thankyou soooo much they are super names! Zoe and I will have a chat about them tonight, and you'll find out if we picked one when the baby arrives!! Actually a friend of mine in the office has just suggested that maybe we use all of the names that you and your dad picked, but im thinking that might be a bit of a mouthful! Imagine, you'd walk up to the baby and say "Hello, Ryan roy Rio Alex Ronaldo Ruud Wes Mikael Gabriel Edwin sam william gregor harry harrisson conner ben ethan Wickham! How are you?!" he he! But dont worry, im sure lots of cuddles will be going round very soon! The babys been kicking away inside Zoe, cant wait to get out and meet you all!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Nine days overdue, it feels a lot longer. Some good news though, some friends of ours who were due around the same time as us, have just had a baby boy! Joshua Robert vallance weighing 9lb 2oz! what a big boy! Im guessing ours will be up there contending on weight if he/she is following in his dad's footsteps!

We didnt try any new ways for inducing labour last night, so no new pictures im afraid, although the suggestions that have been posted have been noted!

On another note, were still on the hunt for a boys middle name! i think we've been through about a thousand 'baby name' websites and about as many books, trying to come up with something, but alas nothing yet. Any suggestions??! i was liking the ring of 'Raymond' what do you think?? I (tim) found a random website that automatically generated a new name for yourself, so I thought well ill try that and if its any good then we may be able to use it. so after typing in timothy peter wickham and selecting that i was a 'creative' (i know debabtable!) it suggested we should call our baby..... wait for it....

Asho Davu Wickham

yeah i dont think so. On with the journey.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Hey hey!

well not much to say really, were still here. trying everything (as you can see from previous posts!) to try and encourage the baby out! Again if anyone has any suggestions, were willing to try them, and maybe we'll post a picture! (depending on what it is of course!!)


Ways to bring on labour no.45238159

1001+ a few ways to bring on labour

Idea number: 185546984
Idea Method: "It is thought that around one fifth of pregnant women take some form of raspberry leaf. The belief is that it will shorten labour and make the birth easier. The use of this herb for remedial purposes dates back to the sixth century and its benefits in childbirth have been recorded as a proven aid in maternity in the most ancient of herbal books." according to some pregnancy website!
Idea Result: hasnt really done to much yet either, will keep popping though, it could help in the long run!
Idea Conclusion: Again Jury's out, will keep trying!

Ways to bring on labour no.185546984

1001+ a few ways to bring on labour

Idea number: 185546984
Idea Method: Eating Pinapple - apparently it has labour inducing properties!
Idea Result: Tastes good, hasnt really done anything though
Idea Conclusion: Jury's out, will kepp trying!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Ways to bring on labour no.177726364

1001+ a few ways to bring on labour

Idea number: 177726364
Idea Method: Bounce on an inflatable ball for a while
Idea Result: Out of breath, feel a bit sick, no visable labour starting signs
Idea Conclusion: Not really sure this one does very much!


well its official, Zoe is now 41 weeks pregnant! We had a midwife appointment this afternoon at which they were going to do another "strech and sweep", however they decided it wasnt in Zoe's best interest. So after a quick check out, which was all fine, we have an induction date. This Sunday we have to phone up southmead delivery suite at 8.30am and they'll give us a time to go in. As you can imagine we really want to have as natural a birth as possible, so were praying that our little one decides its time for the out before then! We'd really like to go onto the midwife led unit as well, which they wont let us do if zoe's induced. So there you go! We'd really appreciate your prayers, its such a fustrating time, and weve never been good at waiting!

speak soon!


Monday, November 07, 2005

Listen to our Baby's Heartbeat!

Ha ha! ive discovered a way of putting the heartbeat online!! yey! click below to download / listen to the babys heartbeat recorded last week at Southmead hospital!

Baby Wickhams Heartbeat!!



Well were now officially 6 days overdue, As you can imagine things are really fustrating! We just want to meet our little son or daughter! Weve got a home appointment with the midwife tomorrow, but were praying things start to get going before then.

I recorded the babys heartbeat at the hospital the other day, have been trying to find an easy way of putting it up here, will let you know if i find a way!

Thanks for all your support, we really appreciate it.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Well were still here! The visit to the fireworks last night in an atempt to scare zoe into labour, didnt really work ;-) Probably mainly due to the fact that we got the timings wrong for the display and ended up going to the childrens 'no bang' display!! oh well! So here we are. Zoe's very bored, and a little frustrated, as are we both, so if anyone has any suggestions we'd love to here them! We have tried loads of 'home remedies' nothing seems to have done the trick though, The suggestion of drinking loads of pinapple juice will probably be tried today. We'll let you know if anything happens!


Friday, November 04, 2005

Mobile Blogging!

hi guys,

two post in one day! wow! i just wanted to let you know that ive just signed up on another website that will allow us to send photos straight from our mobiles onto the internet. So bassically we'll be able to let you guys see some photos of little wickham a few hours after the big event!

All you have to do is go to and you'll see all the very latest piccys and videos!

For those of you using RSS, click on the RSS feed at the bottom of the moblog page.



So were 3 days overdue now... still no sign of the little one, a little fustrating, but good to know that we will definatly be beginning life as parents in a little over a week no matter what! Hopefully and god willing it will be much sooner than that!

Will keep you up to date.
