Friday, November 25, 2005

The day of things breaking...

well today has been a bizarre day. To start our washing machine that was fixed yesterday by the washing machine guy, broke again. Next we decided to go out for a bit and the 'electronics in you car are about to do something out of your control' button lit up and wouldnt disapear, thanfully it did after a few miles, but the cars going in for a check soon because of it. And then we arrive home, put on the lights, zoe goes upstairs with Jospeh and suddenly all the downstairs lights go off??!! Upstairs is fine, well thats no big problem i hear you say, its just the downstairs lights fuse has tripped, well thats what it thought, but it turns out that our house only has one 5 amp fuse for all of the lights. You cant switch between upstairs and downstairs. Anyway after calling out a good friend who knows a lot more about these things, they started working again, But he didnt know why, and found the whole thing totally baffeling as well. I think we need to call in an electrition at some point to take a ook at our wiring. And then after all that Joseph decided that he wanted to see his dinner again. and again. and again. infact not much of it stayed down, and were runnig very low on body suits!! Well there you guys, ive ranted enough, hope everyone else is well and had a good day!!


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