Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Today, yesterday and the one before...

Well things are slowley starting to settle down, Joseph is currently, as i type this sleeping in his moses basket (praise God!) Since we arrived home last week he would only go to sleep resting on one of us, this afternoon however we thought we'd try at every opertunity to get him to sleep in his basket. Lots of top tips have been applied from putting coiled up towels round the bottom of the basket, to poping a warm hot water bottle in the basket jsut beofre he goes in. We tried it all and hasnt seemed to work untill this afternoon and he's now been down for about an hour!! yey!! He had his first outing yesterday, a glorious trip to mothercare, and then today we pushed him and the buggy into thornbury, i was a bit nervious, kept checking him every 30 secs to see if he was too hot or too cold! i guess you get used it. He's taken to thinking my arm is a boob and trying to suck on it at every oppertunity! joy! We had some more visitors as well - and some super meals!! thankyou everyone who's cooked for us.

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