Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Am I delirious?

Well today i took a trip to Little Littlehampton in wonderful west sussex, to help film the band Delirious? for their backing video on tour, with world famous, professional film producer Dave Neal. We set off at 5am, to miss the traffic, and got down there about 7.45 about time to try out the local McDonalds for a bacon, egg and cheese bagel. I've decided that these are too manufactured for my liking, and a bit plastic, would have been better off with the roll version, but you live and learn. We got into the venue about 8.15, which was just a local village hall, but turned out to be a great place for what we needed it for. Basically the days shoot was all on green screen, which basically means that's we film the band in front of a big green screen and then add in backgrounds etc.. later in the edit. It turned out to be a fun day, with the band being a great laugh and constantly feeding us coffee! always helpful! Anyway after a long day and four songs recorded, it was time to head home. Quite an exciting day. Too tired to type now, here's a badly taken picture on my mobile, sorry, all that coffee gave me the shakes.

And here's a link to my head on the delirious website. If id thought about it then i would have taken another camera and done a short docu on the day, never mind, heres a funny little movie that the d:boys recorded->

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please can we have more pics of gorgeous Joseph?xxx