Friday, December 30, 2005

So that was Christmas!

Well we arrived home yesterday after spending Christmas in Bromsgrove and Manchester, We had a really great time at both, especially as it was Joseph's first christmas. He recieved many great presents from Father Christmas, which weve enjoyed playing with! He's just about starting to have a good bash at things if we put them infront of him, so it wont be long till he's playing a lot more!

Christmas day was spent at Grandma & Grandad Wickhams house in Bromsgrove, with Great Grandma Waters, Great Grandma Wickham and Great Unlce Paul! We had a great time, lots of food and fun! We then headed up the M5/M6 to Manchester to spend the next few days in the Pierson house with Uncle Austin and Auntie Clare, Cousins William, Ethan and Ellie, Nanny and Grandad Pierson and Great Grandad Pierson! A very full house, but it was really good fun to be there, we all really enjoyed it! Here's a few piccys!

One bad thing that happened this christmas however was that on a trip out we put the digital camera in 'babys' bag, when ariving at our destination we discovered that the milk we'd taken with us had exploded all over the bag, including the digital camera. We tried to dry it out, however thats not worked, so were now digital camera-less! So until we get a new one, photos are off the menu. Gutted!

Monday, December 19, 2005

not so sore! yey!

Well you'll all be pleased to here that the sore throat has subsided a little and im now able to drink mulled wine!!! yey! still a bit tickly but im sure that will pass soon!

This weekend we had Neil and Tanya come and visit, was really good to see them, and they also got to experience the Wicksta's mulled wine, although a little less alchoholic than the other day (ran out of brandy!)

We also had the ngm support team christmas meal. 39 of us donned our glad rags and made the trip down the the carvery in Bradley stoke, and had a meal of medival feasting proportions! Secret santa perents were, i think, of a high satndard this year, Seeing as there was a £2.50 limit on it, a little thought actualy went into it, rather than buying any old tat. I came home with a torch that looks like a credit card, that fits in your wallet - how cool is that!! practical and fun! a good night had by all i think!

On others matters, Jospeh is doing well, growing by the day, he's got a health check tomorrow, but were thinking he's going to be over 10lbs easily. Were all up to our ears in wrapping, there semms to be more this year than any other! and im trying to decide wether to shave off the little ginger/grey goatie thats appeared on my face - tough and life changing decision, - what do people think?


Thursday, December 15, 2005

sore... so so sore!

Well good morning! I sit here today, today being the begininning of the forth day with my medical ailment. "Whats the matter Tim" i hear you say? "You never told us anything, are you really ill? are you dying?" Well, yes! it feels like it! I have the worst sore throat ever known to mankind. "Is that all?!" youre saying now arnt you, well yeah, thats all but this isnt just any sore throat. Let me take you on an imaginary journey. Imagine The biggest heard of elephants youve ever seen in the dryest, dustiest part of the world you ever seen, imagine them all stampeding at full force away from a raging forest fire thats literally right behind them. Got that in your mind. Well thats what it feels like every time i swallow! All day all night, And ive tried everything. Gargling salt water, drinking pickle juice (found that one on the internet) paracetamol, neurofen, lemsips, dequacane, lossenges. Im now on antibiotics from the doctor although in his words, " well it might help, but it might not do anything" oh joy. Anyway, the reason for me writing this is, i want some sympathy! and also to see if there are any other suggestions out there? What should i do folks? Answer in the comments box at the end of this post.

Last night sore, sorry saw, the christmas mulled wine and nibbles gathering of our breakfast club (breakfast club = group of guys/girls who meet together every tweo weeks at tim and zoes, to have breakfats and chat about what God's been doing in their lives, whats inspiring them at the moment etc..) A fun filled night with me making mulled wine for the first time ever and zoe laying on a super spread of nibbles and mince pies!

It also saw baby Joseph start to trust some of our friends a whole lot more, when he decided he was comfortable enough to share his dinner with Laura! we did warn her she was in projectile range, but she just laughed it off! {start-evil-heckle}ha ha ha, foolish girl!{end-evil-heckle}

Monday, December 12, 2005

a few mobile pics...

sorry weve not posted for a while, i (tim)started back at work the other week and so things have been busy! Anyway weve got a few more pics on the digital cam to post once we get round to it, but untill then here are some bad quality pics form the mobile!!

Things with us are going well, Jospeh was weighed the other day and he's 9lb 12oz already!!! a big jump from the 8lb 9oz a few weeks ago. He is eating / drinking a lot more though, so its no surprise! We visited nanny and grandad Pierson at the weekend which was fun! more pics coming sooooon!


Monday, November 28, 2005

totally sick...

Im slowly learning not to wear anything you want to wear for the rest of the day, whilst feeding a baby.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Joseph finally meets his other uncle and aunt and cousins!

Well weve just spent the day with Austin and Claire, Ellie, Ethan and William. They were all really excited to see Joseph and it was great to have them all come visit. Check the pics

A night of some sleep!

Well, Joseph finally decided his moses basket was a good place to sleep last night! He slept in it for 6 hours between feeds which is fantastic! He is also starting to settle in it during the day. Please pray this continues on.

Today his other aunt and uncle and cousins are coming to visit which is exciting. I'm sure we will be posting pictures of it all on the blog later. Must go as Joseph is hungry!

Zoe x

Friday, November 25, 2005

The day of things breaking...

well today has been a bizarre day. To start our washing machine that was fixed yesterday by the washing machine guy, broke again. Next we decided to go out for a bit and the 'electronics in you car are about to do something out of your control' button lit up and wouldnt disapear, thanfully it did after a few miles, but the cars going in for a check soon because of it. And then we arrive home, put on the lights, zoe goes upstairs with Jospeh and suddenly all the downstairs lights go off??!! Upstairs is fine, well thats no big problem i hear you say, its just the downstairs lights fuse has tripped, well thats what it thought, but it turns out that our house only has one 5 amp fuse for all of the lights. You cant switch between upstairs and downstairs. Anyway after calling out a good friend who knows a lot more about these things, they started working again, But he didnt know why, and found the whole thing totally baffeling as well. I think we need to call in an electrition at some point to take a ook at our wiring. And then after all that Joseph decided that he wanted to see his dinner again. and again. and again. infact not much of it stayed down, and were runnig very low on body suits!! Well there you guys, ive ranted enough, hope everyone else is well and had a good day!!


Thursday, November 24, 2005

food and bugs!

Today Jospeh made a new friend in lottie the multi coloured, mulit textured, multi sounding err.... bug! We also had a great tea cooked by Helen, and she did a great job of looking after the little one while we gobbled up her super food!

24 November

Today we had a visit from Joseph's uncle Matthew and Aunty Karen (Tim's brother & wife). Attached is a photo of them with Joseph. Yesterday we went out for our first walk in the pushchair, Joseph slept most of the way and you can see from the photo below he was wrapped up nice and warm. He also slept in his Moses basket for half an hour today which is great. We are loving having Joseph - he is such a beautiful baby and despite the lack of sleep, we are loving being parents.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Today, yesterday and the one before...

Well things are slowley starting to settle down, Joseph is currently, as i type this sleeping in his moses basket (praise God!) Since we arrived home last week he would only go to sleep resting on one of us, this afternoon however we thought we'd try at every opertunity to get him to sleep in his basket. Lots of top tips have been applied from putting coiled up towels round the bottom of the basket, to poping a warm hot water bottle in the basket jsut beofre he goes in. We tried it all and hasnt seemed to work untill this afternoon and he's now been down for about an hour!! yey!! He had his first outing yesterday, a glorious trip to mothercare, and then today we pushed him and the buggy into thornbury, i was a bit nervious, kept checking him every 30 secs to see if he was too hot or too cold! i guess you get used it. He's taken to thinking my arm is a boob and trying to suck on it at every oppertunity! joy! We had some more visitors as well - and some super meals!! thankyou everyone who's cooked for us.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Joseph meets the family & has a bath!

Well this weekend was the first time Jospeh got to meet his Nanny and Grandad on both sides, as well as Great Grandma Waters! Other memorable moments include, his first bath, another screaming occasion! and falling asleep on daddy all night as he decided that he didnt want to go to sleep in his moses basket (apparently that wasnt good enough for him!) and daddy has much more comfy! No sleep for daddy that night! Anyway, here are smoe more pics of the occasions!