Thursday, November 10, 2005


Nine days overdue, it feels a lot longer. Some good news though, some friends of ours who were due around the same time as us, have just had a baby boy! Joshua Robert vallance weighing 9lb 2oz! what a big boy! Im guessing ours will be up there contending on weight if he/she is following in his dad's footsteps!

We didnt try any new ways for inducing labour last night, so no new pictures im afraid, although the suggestions that have been posted have been noted!

On another note, were still on the hunt for a boys middle name! i think we've been through about a thousand 'baby name' websites and about as many books, trying to come up with something, but alas nothing yet. Any suggestions??! i was liking the ring of 'Raymond' what do you think?? I (tim) found a random website that automatically generated a new name for yourself, so I thought well ill try that and if its any good then we may be able to use it. so after typing in timothy peter wickham and selecting that i was a 'creative' (i know debabtable!) it suggested we should call our baby..... wait for it....

Asho Davu Wickham

yeah i dont think so. On with the journey.


Anonymous said...

Looks like your spelling hasn't improved, Tim!!

piersonfamily said...

Glad to see you are keepig the name Raymond in the family!Some suggstions for you, Moet was voted as a popular boys name on radio one this week,Barry,Jefrey, Elton,Morrice,Wayne and last but certainy not least Timothy.Hope these are helpful to you.Austins suggestions are Ryan,roy,Rio,Alex,Ronaldo,Ruud,Wes,Mikael,Gabriel,Edwin i,m sure u get the picture. Glad to have helped you out of a tricky situation. Your loving

piersonfamily said...

Auntie Zoe and Uncle Tim, I have thought of some boys names sam william gregor harry harrisson conner ben and ethan. i cant wait to see your baby i want to give it a cuddle. lots of love from Ellis.xxxxxxx