Sunday, November 20, 2005

Joseph meets the family & has a bath!

Well this weekend was the first time Jospeh got to meet his Nanny and Grandad on both sides, as well as Great Grandma Waters! Other memorable moments include, his first bath, another screaming occasion! and falling asleep on daddy all night as he decided that he didnt want to go to sleep in his moses basket (apparently that wasnt good enough for him!) and daddy has much more comfy! No sleep for daddy that night! Anyway, here are smoe more pics of the occasions!


Anonymous said...

use the spellcheck mr wickham

Tim said...

im starting a new club for people that write, but really dont care about there spelling.

Ant said...

amen brothre, i'm in!

Anonymous said...

tim - you're a new dad - who cares about spelling :-)

Anonymous said...

I would like to state that I am NOT "Anonymous"!
Love the pics - even the one of me!